Earlier this year the VWHC awarded the 2021 Pollinator and Quail Habitat Conservation Award to Mark and Ann Kington – Owners of Grellen Farm – for their continued work to create large tracts of wildlife habitat in the Rapidan watershed of Central Virginia.
Category: American Climate Partners
In short, it is not good for leaves to be left to sit after they fall on a lawn… that is, if you would like to continue to have a lawn of grass. If left alone, leaves will mat on top of the grass, cutting out your lawn’s access to sunlight and air, and quickly […]
For a client in the Gordonsville, Virginia area we took 2 acres of a cool season pasture and burned it with the mechanical burner 2x in the Spring to see what diversity we could coax from the seed bank. Results are Purple Lovegrass, Indian Grass, and lots of Little Bluestem. For wildflowers – Ironweed and […]
Later this year, the Center will reformat the landscape contracting program, SoilKeepers, to a for profit company and acquire Orange, VA hay and feed producer Neuhauser Hay. The business focus of the new entity is Estate and Farm Regenerative Landscape Management. The new enterprise will be jointly owned by the Center Board of Directors and […]
2020 has been a very active year for the Center, administratively-wise. We said goodbye to Directors Allan Comp, Ashe Laughline, and Betty Long. Allan was instrumental in helping StreamSweepers complete Upper Rappahannock comprehensive cleanup several years ago. Ashe also helped with StreamSweepers and worked with Staff on considerations related to a possible move to Rapidan […]
John Conover
John Conover served for one term as an ACP Director. He passed away on October 4. John was also a personal friend. He was interested in many things – including the social, environmental, historical, and political realms. In looking back through meeting summaries during his time on the Board, I was reminded how John was […]
One Health
For decades the Mill was a derelict abandoned hulk of concrete visited only by vagrants. A little over a decade ago a father and son from Charlottesville bought the kit and kaboodle – Orange County buildings, dam, and Orange and Culpeper County real estate. They cleaned up the buildings, brought in hydroelectric generating equipment, and […]