John Conover served for one term as an ACP Director. He passed away on October 4. John was also a personal friend. He was interested in many things – including the social, environmental, historical, and political realms. In looking back through meeting summaries during his time on the Board, I was reminded how John was […]
Perhaps COVID will provide some greater awakening on the interdependence of biodiversity and human health. Our contracting services SoilKeepers and the Virginia Wildlife Habitat Cooperative enhance soil, plant, and animal biodiversity for residential, estate, and agricultural clients in the mid-Atlantic region.
Legacy Sediment
Legacy sediment is a hidden issue that plagues many of the eastern US watersheds where a combination of agriculture, mill dams and deforestation occurred in the 19th century. Much of the Rapidan watershed was deforested for agriculture causing massive erosion into stream valleys. There were also many water powered mills that trapped sediment on floodplains. A few dams […]
The Virginia Wildlife Habitat Cooperative is proud to add a new contractor Partner – the Siller Pollinator Company. This addition to our suite of services allows us to not only create and maintain pollinator habitat providing nectar and pollen and Winter shelter for a variety of insects, but now also to provide homes specifically for […]
The Rapidan Institute in Partnership with the Virginia Wildlife Habitat Cooperative (contractor) has received approval of a proposal to study creation of North American Beaver habitat for a tributary of Goose Creek, in the Potomac watershed. Locations for the creation of Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs) will be evaluated and a construction budget will be created. […]
This past Thursday, September 3, StreamSweepers and the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Team in SWVA had a virtual meeting with Virginia’s 9th District Congressman, Morgan Griffith. District 9 encompasses the Southwest tip of Virginia to Martinsville on the East, and North to Clifton Forge, Virginia. After a brief introduction of the history of […]
For the first time in StreamSweepers history, we applied for and were accepted to receive a National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) team to help us finish our season on the Clinch River in Southwest VA. The team is comprised of ten young people, ages 18-24, from all over the country who are dedicated to making […]
One Health
Mid-Summer from our work at Montpelier with the great folks at Center for Urban Habitats. Rudbeckia is fading a bit but still very beautiful with native warm season grasses coming on. This is from the lower and wetter part of this field. Unlike the upper field we did not get a good burn here. While […]