What can be so hard about burning grasslands? Well in our experience a lot. There is the heat and there is the smoke. Both are useful. How much heat do you need? For how long? How much risk are you comfortable with? We have come to the place where we work with our friends at […]
Author: Michael Collins
2020 has been a very active year for the Center, administratively-wise. We said goodbye to Directors Allan Comp, Ashe Laughline, and Betty Long. Allan was instrumental in helping StreamSweepers complete Upper Rappahannock comprehensive cleanup several years ago. Ashe also helped with StreamSweepers and worked with Staff on considerations related to a possible move to Rapidan […]
John Conover
John Conover served for one term as an ACP Director. He passed away on October 4. John was also a personal friend. He was interested in many things – including the social, environmental, historical, and political realms. In looking back through meeting summaries during his time on the Board, I was reminded how John was […]
The Virginia Wildlife Habitat Cooperative is proud to add a new contractor Partner – the Siller Pollinator Company. This addition to our suite of services allows us to not only create and maintain pollinator habitat providing nectar and pollen and Winter shelter for a variety of insects, but now also to provide homes specifically for […]
One Health
Mid-Summer from our work at Montpelier with the great folks at Center for Urban Habitats. Rudbeckia is fading a bit but still very beautiful with native warm season grasses coming on. This is from the lower and wetter part of this field. Unlike the upper field we did not get a good burn here. While […]
http://www.futuredirections.org.au/publication/soil-carbon-restoration-can-biology-do-the-job-part-three/ This blog provides information and commentary that may not represent the view of ACP’s Directors and Advisors
https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2020/07/15/1922266117\ This blog provides information and commentary that may not represent the views of ACP’s Directors and Advisors