Thanks to the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation
Many thanks to the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation for supporting StreamSweepers! We needed a vehicle and a trailer to transport our Sweepers and pull our canoes. We found a great deal on a used Four Runner and trailer and were able to make the purchase thanks to them.
They also helped us move into the realm of volunteer cleanups. Over the next year we will be hosting cleanups led by volunteer groups in Fauquier, Culpeper and Rappahannock counties to clean the smaller tributaries before the trash reaches the Rappahannock. The picture below is of the Highland School crew who cleaned along the White’s Mill Trail and Cedar Run near Warrenton. If your organization is interested in hosting a cleanup, please contact StreamSweepers Program Manager, Debbie Manzari.
Thanks Northern Piedmont Community Foundation from all of us here!

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