
StreamSweepers and NCCC meet with District 9 Congressman, Morgan Griffith

This past Thursday, September 3, StreamSweepers and the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Team in SWVA had a virtual meeting with Virginia’s 9th District Congressman, Morgan Griffith. District 9 encompasses the Southwest tip of Virginia to Martinsville on the East, and North to Clifton Forge, Virginia. After a brief introduction of the history of […]


Update from our River Maintenance Steward on the Clinch

Bryona Ward, a 2019 Clinch River StreamSweeper has been hard at work since the close of our summer season as our first ever River Maintenance Steward. Additional year-end support from TVA allowed us to fund this position for the first time on the Clinch River. Bryona visits – weekly or bi-weekly as weather permits – […]