Southern Climate Restoration Solutions 2


With a simple soil test you can gain the knowledge necessary to

Increase Crop Productivity


Increase water retention


Decrease Erosion Runoff


Decrease Chemical Usage


How it Works

The soil test called ________________ is a quick DIY test that farmers can do in any of their fields they want to improve. When carbon is at _____ level or above, studies [link to studies] show that the benefits added up quickly.

SCRS is a program to help farmers learn about the test, support them in implementing it, and in taking voluntary steps to improve their own land.

Like most things, there’s a cost to do the test. But like a good investment, the financial and health benefits more than make up for the time and expense.


Our Goal

We will deliver training on testing for organic carbon in the soil as well as bulk density, data collection, management and processing methods.

Who Can Participate

The states in Southeast region supported by this program are Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Puerto Rico.

Get Started

We’ll be launching the program soon. Sign up to our mailing list to learn more and be in line when we launch.

Southern Climate Restoration Solutions develops natural solutions for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in the Southeast US.

See our August 21, 2023 press release [PDF].

Current Projects

Carbon Farming Monitoring Project

soil samples in control area for carbon capture

The Soil Carbon Monitoring Project will build carbon farming monitoring capacity to sequester atmospheric carbon in Southeast US agricultural soils working in partnership with USDA-NRCS and other partners.

Dominion Energy Solar Soil Carbon Project

solar facility for soil carbon capture project

The Solar Soil Carbon Project is piloting a method for solar energy facilities to provide carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and increased water holding capacity through regenerative vegetation management.

Central Appalachia Sustainable Aviation Fuel Project

The Central Appalachia Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAV) Project is working with the University of Tennessee (UT) + Partners to pave the way for future construction of a sustainable fuel facility. Funded by the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aviation Sustainability Center (ASCENT) in recent years, UT has diligently laid the groundwork through research, partnerships, and other efforts for SAF stakeholders.  Learn more…