Lawns, Swards, Meadows and Paths

We can do better than mowing 20 acres of rural lawn 3 inches high in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Your large lot can be more beautiful, more healthy, and take less of your time and money.

We get it’s fun to sit on a mower in the early Summer while drinking a cold beer. But how about just doing that on a few thousand square feet right around the house and then go jump in the pool. Afterwards, take your spouse and/or your kids beyond the lawn on a tick-free walk on a wide mowed path watching butterflies. As the sun goes down watch finches dive bomb wildflowers for insects.

SoilKeepers, designing grasslands for estates, homes, and businesses. Grasslands include short manicured lawns, waist high swards, and tall meadows with  interconnecting paths. SoilKeepers is preparing plans for turning expanses of mowed turf into living grasslands. That’s “Soil Keepers dot US” for details on all of SoilKeeper’s services.
SoilKeepers commercial pollinator habitat planning and design services

The Lawn

To us, a lawn is a grassland clipped regularly 3-6 inches high. It can be a monoculture of fescue, an eco-lawn of fescue and clover, or a bee-lawn of at least 4 plant families. There are pros and cons for each. The least expensive in the long run and best for your health and the health of mother nature is the bee-lawn. We recommend a few thousand square feet of lawn just around the house.

The Sward

Imagine walking to the edge of the lawn and entering a manicured grassland that is three foot high. It has wildflowers in the native grasses. Wide paths maintained as lawn extend into the sward. As you walk in the sward in the distance you can see tall wildflowers, perhaps as tall as you or taller.

SoilKeepers, growing honeybee lawns for homes, estates, and businesses throughout Virginia. Bee lawns address habitat development and conservation, helping to provide pollinators with food and homes. SoilKeepers prepares lawn soil in the spring and restores lawn aster and grass vegetation in the fall. “Soil Keepers dot US” for details.
SoilKeepers managed sward, meadow, and lawn paths

The Meadow

You continue walking on the path and enter a wild area where the flowers are allowed to grow as tall as makes them happy. This areas provide a privacy border between you and your neighbors.

We can design, establish and maintain this for you. We can coach you to do it yourself. We enjoy brainstorming with potential clients. Call us at 540-672-2542 or email us at