StreamSweepers Central Appalachia Clean-up Summit

Information and Planning Meeting

Monday, May 20, 2024 — 9 AM to 5 PM

Rhododendron Lodge and Conference Center, Breaks Interstate Park

A gathering to share information and launch planning of a comprehensive clean-up project in the Upper Big Sandy Watershed, led by StreamSweepers, the Thompson Charitable Foundation, and other local partners. The vision for this 20-year project is the removal and recycling of solid waste in the Levisa Fork, Russell Fork, and Tug Rivers in Southwest Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, and Southeastern West Virginia, followed by comprehensive invasive species management. This project will support economic development in the region, including the construction of interstate state-of-the-art recycling and compost-biochar facilities.

Register online here.


9:00-9:15 Welcome

  • 20 year Vision for Upper Big Sandy Tri-State Communities Renaissance
  • Importance of a Tri-State Cleanup Program to Renaissance
  • Purpose of Today’s Meeting

9:15-9:30 Attendee Introductions

9:30-10:30 Identify and Review of Hot Spots Needing Major Remediation (3 River Basin Teams Working Separately – Russell Fork, Levisa, and Tug Fork)

  • Rivers and Tributaries Solid Waste
  • Hollows Solid Waste
  • Invasive Species (such as Kudzoo, Japanese Knotweed, Autumn Olive)

10:30-11:00 Each Team Presents Findings to Larger Group for Additional Discussion

11:00-12:00 Develop 5 year Scope of Work (3 River Basin Teams Working Separately – Russell Fork, Levisa, and Tug Fork)

12:00-12:45 Lunch

  • Speaker: Andrea Leslie – Eco-Economic Development: The North Carolina Snorkel Trail, The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (videoconference)
  • Don Bates – Eco-Economic Development: The Upper Big Sandy Recycling Center, The Osprey Initiative

12:45-1:00 Break

1:00-2:00 Putting it all together: Upper Big Sandy Remediation Plan Scope of Work 2025-2030

  • Facilitated Group Discussion Three River Basins Working Together

2:00-3:00 Infrastructure and Equipment and Dollars Needed for 2025-2030 Scope of Work

  • Facilitated Group Discussion Three River Basins Working Together

3:00-3:15 Next Steps

3:15 Adjourn

Conference Results

StreamSweepers Central Appalachia Cleanup Breaks Interstate Conference Findings 7/1/24

For more information

Taylor Burgess, Project Manager